I studied classic massage therapy in Europe and London, specifically the anatomy of the body, how the tissue works, and how you can treat them to correct dysfunction or treat injuries. I also did the same thing in Italy, with sports traumatology, which focuses on the muscles, fascia, the bones and the joints. I almost immediately realised that you cannot only consider the physical side of the person, but the whole person. Not just what they’ve been through, but their emotions and the kind of emotional stressors that they have been dealing with. The skin is the best way to describe this concept. When you’re shy, you might blush and your cheeks turn red. When you’re scared, you get goosebumps. When you’re angry, a part of your digestive system is going to react, even though you might not see it. When you’re nervous, you might feel nauseous. The connection between emotions and organs is a major part of my work.
The organs are very interesting to me, especially the belly. I studied the energy lines in the body, meridians, and chi nei tsang, a visceral massage that is part of the Chinese way of treating the internal organs. In this practice, you can understand how the emotions are connected to a specific organ. That is a major part of my work and that allows me to go much deeper during my treatments and commit to whole-person care.