From enhancing cognitive function to strengthening the immune system and increasing emotional wellbeing, the power of quality sleep can be profoundly transformative. But as we cross time zones, and squeeze more productivity out of our wakeful hours, sleep deprivation has the constant potential to undermine our health.
Our circadian rhythms — the body’s internal clock naturally aligned with the cycle of day and night — are easily disrupted. New technology at COMO Metropolitan Singapore rectifies this with the cutting-edge SleepHub® device.
Developed by Dr Julian Stone and backed by over 10 years of scientific research, the device uses neuroscience and psychoacoustic sound technology to gently steer the minds through optimal sleep cycles — helping us fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed by retraining the brain in natural and healthy sleep patterns.

William Daniels, COMO Shambhala’s Director for Wellness Programmes, is an advocate for the new AirPod™ Hydroxy Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chambers. This wellness technology delivers a proprietary combination of oxygen and molecular hydrogen to create an environment where you receive 50% more oxygen compared to breathing air. It is an excellent way to fight jet-lag, and is scientifically proven to enhance the quality of sleep. Available at COMO Shambhala Singapore and COMO Shambhala Point Yamu, Phuket.
COMO Shambhala’s aromatherapy-based product line now includes the COMO Shambhala Sleep Essential Oil. Available from the COMO Shambhala e-Shop, as well as select COMO Hotels and Resorts boutiques worldwide, these products all use the same high-quality blend of relaxing chamomile and lavender, blended with sandalwood, cedarwood and sweet orange. Fiona Tan, Director of Product Development recommends scenting the bedroom an hour before, which allows the blend to create a soothing environment to fall asleep in.

A good night’s rest is nothing short of medicinal, and well-timed, therapeutic nutritional choices can help make it possible.
Heavy meals can also disrupt our sleep as the body has to work harder to process the food while we try to rest. So eat light, says Amanda Gale, the Australian-born chef who has developed the healthy recipes from COMO Shambhala Kitchen. She recommends the the easily-digested yet satisfying Green Goddess Soup, which features spinach, watercress, basil leaves, flat-leaf parsley leaves, young coconut water, raw honey, and lemon juice greens – ingredients that are rich in minerals that are known to lower blood pressure, relax the musculature, and improve sleep duration and quality.
"'Sleepytime Tea’ is the COMO Shambhala recipe I rely on whenever life gets busy and my sleep routine starts to waver," says COMO Group’s consultant nutritionist, Eve Persak. "It's a night-time drink made with almonds, which is considered one of the richest sources of glutamic acid — the precursor of GABA, a calming neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that lowers anxiety and supports sleep. Almonds are also a natural source of melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep at day’s end. A dash of cinnamon also lowers norepinephrine (the neurotransmitter associated with alertness) and raises serotonin (another neurotransmitter associated with elevated mood and feelings of wellbeing). A good night’s rest is nothing short of medicinal, and well-timed, therapeutic nutritional choices can help make it possible."

Sleep Dreams Offer
At COMO Metropolitan Singapore, our Sleep Dreams Package includes a room with an in-room SleepHub® Device — an innovative piece of wellness technology that uses low-frequency sound waves to guide you into quality sleep, and wakes you up at an optimal stage of your sleep cycle. It also includes a 60-minute session of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Contrast Therapy at COMO Shambhala Singapore, which enhances the quality of sleep and aids natural healing, jet-lag recovery, and more.